The Best Apps to Help With Stroke Recovery

Recovering after a stroke requires hard work from the survivor and their caretakers. Though this can be intimidating, there is good news: with new technology in apps, patients have more help than ever regaining abilities after their stroke. The great thing about apps is that they can level the playing field for people recovering from stroke by boosting their chances of success during the recovery period. An app on your own smartphone or tablet can now help you regain your ability to speak, keep track of your medications and appointments, and even help manage diabetes. Plus, apps are becoming more and...

This equipment made me excited about the treatment I was providing to my patients.

My name is Becky Carter, and I am an Occupational Therapist at Scenic Mountain Medical Center in Big Spring, Texas. I had the opportunity to trial the Saebo MyoTrac Infiniti with 2 outpatients that I am currently working with. One of the patients is an 18-year-old male who suffered a spinal cord injury with resulting C4-C5 incomplete quadriplegia. This patient is a very motivated young man who was an athlete prior to his injury. He was and is very competitive, even with himself. He absolutely loved the Saebo MyoTrac Infiniti because it gave him visual feedback while he was performing exercises. He enjoyed challenging himself...

Exercises to Help Fix Curled Toes After Stroke

Strokes take a huge toll on the human body. They can cause anything from paralysis and speech loss to blurry vision, fatigue, and loss of mobility. Sadly, there is almost no part of the body that is completely safe from the effects of a stroke. Post-stroke ailments cause a lot of physical and mental suffering. Some of the most common side effects are muscle spasms and pain, and stroke survivors can also feel weakness throughout an entire side of their body. One area that is often overlooked but is still a significant source of post-stroke pain is the feet—specifically, the toes....

SaeboFlex Helps Client Regain Hand Function 23 Years After Stroke

Stroke survivor exhibits remarkable improvement in hand function more than two decades after stroke, disproving theories that recovery window is limited to 6 months.  Charlotte, N.C. – Tuesday, July 25, 2017 – Until recently, researchers believed that if a stroke survivor exhibited no improvement within the first 6 months, then he or she would have little to no chance of regaining motor function in the future. This assumed end of recovery is called a plateau. However, a groundbreaking new article published in the Journal of Neurophysiology discusses a stroke patient’s remarkable improvement decades after suffering a stroke at the age of...

35 Fun Rehab Activities for Stroke Patients

After suffering a stroke, many survivors find themselves with some loss of physical function. While much of this is due to brain damage from the stroke itself, there are additional preventable problems like physical deconditioning and fatigue that can lead to a survivor losing function. How can this be prevented? Physical activity. Physical activity is important for increasing the chances of regaining function after a stroke. Through the power of neuroplasticity, exercises help stroke survivors reclaim abilities they had before their stroke. Over time, even light activity such as going for a walk or cooking will contribute to physical improvements and...