Thinking and Memory Loss After Stroke

Whether you’re awake or asleep, your brain is continuously active. Vast amounts of information—thoughts, moments, feelings, etc.—are sent to your brain, where they are filtered and stored, and it’s important for your brain to be working properly in order to place them in the right spots. After surviving a stroke, there is a possibility that some of the brain’s vital functions could be damaged, which makes its processes more difficult to carry out, potentially causing harmful issues for the patient. In many stroke cases, issues with thinking and memory are likely to occur, but there are ways to rebuild brain power...

Obesity and Risk Factors for Stroke

Just as smoking a cigarette can increase your chances of having lung cancer, being overweight can greatly increase your chances of having a stroke. Because of excess fat in the body, inflammation is likely to occur, which causes poor blood flow and potential blockages—two major causes of stroke. When considering extra weight on its own, there are significant correlations between obesity and Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs), aside from other vascular complications. TIAs, also known as “mini-strokes,” shouldn’t be considered as minuscule on account of their name. On the contrary, these attacks are early warning signs of a potential major stroke. According...

Stroke After Surgery, Everything To Be Aware Of

Without a doubt, surgeries following serious health issues have shown major results in improving a survivor’s quality of life. For those who suffer from heart conditions, forms of cancer, and even joint pain, a variety of operations can offer great recovery possibilities, but these procedures can also have their fair share of complications in the process. What is important for all patients to know is that having surgery leaves one vulnerable to a range of health concerns, and suffering from a possible stroke is one of them. Especially for surgeries involving the heart, the odds of having a stroke afterward are...

Signs Your Loved One is Recovering From Stroke

A stroke—no matter how severe—can be devastating. Not only does it have the potential to cause damage physically and mentally, but the recovery process can be equally as difficult to navigate. With countless hurdles to overcome, monitoring progress during stroke recovery can be very frustrating, but there are certain things that you or a loved one can do to improve the experience and see results.   Make and Keep Recovery Goals in Mind The best thing that you or a loved one can do to set the pace for a healthy recovery is to be honest and open about any limitations or...

The Most Common Stroke Questions, Answered

A stroke can be a serious and frightening medical emergency that has a huge impact on both stroke patients and their families. Strokes are life-changing events, but many stroke patients and those who care for them don’t know much about the nature of strokes and the recovery process. In order to properly handle the aftermath of a stroke, it’s important to be well-informed. Knowing more about strokes and how to recover from them is a key step in assuaging any fears and concerns that stem from this condition. We collected some of the most common questions people have about stroke recovery...