How To Get The Most Out Of Your Hand Strengthening Program Following A Stroke

If you are setting out on a hand strengthening program following a stroke or spinal cord injury, you are seeking to retrain your muscles, joints, mind and central nervous system. All were injured during your neurological event, and all are in need of healing. Retraining and strengthening a hand is complex and difficult work. It involves much more than going through the mechanical motions. The biggest challenge may be focusing your mind on the healing process, even as your brain, itself, continues to heal. Listed below are four, simple but powerful, strategies to help stick to your hand strengthening program. How to Get...

The Stroke Belt

Strokes aren’t always predictable or preventable. However, there are many different traits and habits that overwhelmingly correspond to higher risks, so it’s easier than ever to determine your individual risk factors. In 2007, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) added another factor to the list when they began to collect and compare data about strokes in each individual state. The CDC confirmed decades’ worth of evidence that strokes consistently occur in some regions more than others. Their research also unveiled some startlingly specific risks: eleven states had unusually high stroke rates and mortality rates. Following this revelation, several organizations have...

Saebo, Inc. Launches New Website & Improved SaeboGlove Product

New, improved website provides education, resources, and improved products such as the SaeboGlove Charlotte, N.C. –Saebo announces today the official launch of, a new, improved website dedicated to the company’s full product line which includes the updated SaeboGlove as well as far-reaching educational resources designed for individuals, therapists, and families suffering from or caring for those who experience impaired mobility and function. Over the last ten years, Saebo has grown into a leading global provider of rehabilitative products. Saebo has helped approximately 200,000 clients regain function; they are growing this commitment to patient care, affordability, and accessibility even further through the education and...

“It was amazing to see just how well the SaeboFlex was able to work for my patient”

I have been an Occupational Therapist for 3 1/2 years, working in an outpatient clinic. I have had the opportunity to work with many patients who have experienced a stroke but regardless of intervention strategies I tried, I have always been unsatisfied with the progress we have made by the time the patient is discharged (usually based off of insurance limitations from hitting a level of plateaued progress). The patient that inspired me to become Saebo certified came to me after experiencing a stroke in his cerebellum. I found myself digging up research on all of the interventions I had used...

“The Saebo products gave me hope.”

I suffered from a stroke on 10/5/13 at 28 years old. I was on my way to a hair salon appointment. When I pulled into the parking lot, I suddenly felt my right side go numb. As I tried to get out of my car, I collapsed, unable to stand. My right side felt unresponsive. I could not move- all I could do was wait and cry until someone noticed me. When I did not respond to his text messages, my hairdresser, Nico, came out to the parking lot to find me lying on the ground. When I couldn’t answer, he...