My name is Jena Bohl, and I’ve been an Occupational Therapist for 5 years.
I have been working in outpatient neurological rehab for almost three years at HonorHealth (formerly Scottsdale Healthcare) in Scottsdale, AZ. During this time, I have been using Saebo products including the SaeboReach, SaeboFlex, SaeboGlide, SaeboStretch, SaeboMAS, and trialed the Saebo MyoTrac Infiniti for 2 weeks. I most recently received the 2-week, free trial for the SaeboGlove to use with a patient.
The following information is regarding my patient’s medical condition/history (DISCLAIMER: I am sharing with his permission):
The facts: He was a 70-year-old male who experienced a R putamen/inferior cerebellar CVA on 5/27/15 resulting in L-sided...