Questions To Ask Your Occupational Therapist

This guest post was provided to us by Hoang Tran from Hands On Therapy So maybe you have had an injury to your body such as a broken bone or surgery, an injury to your brain such as a stroke or a brain injury, or have a condition that is affecting your ability to function independently like you were before such as Parkinson’s. If any one of these conditions affect how you live your life and how you want to function with less difficulty, you may be looking for an Occupational Therapist. I am and occupational therapist and certified hand therapist. With...

“The SaeboGlove is an excellent adjunct to a patient’s home exercise program.”

My name is Jena Bohl, and I’ve been an Occupational Therapist for 5 years. I have been working in outpatient neurological rehab for almost three years at HonorHealth (formerly Scottsdale Healthcare) in Scottsdale, AZ. During this time, I have been using Saebo products including the SaeboReach, SaeboFlex, SaeboGlide, SaeboStretch, SaeboMAS, and trialed the Saebo MyoTrac Infiniti for 2 weeks. I most recently received the 2-week, free trial for the SaeboGlove to use with a patient. The following information is regarding my patient’s medical condition/history (DISCLAIMER: I am sharing with his permission): The facts: He was a 70-year-old male who experienced a R putamen/inferior cerebellar CVA on 5/27/15 resulting in L-sided...

Reclaim Your Stability With Core Exercises For Stroke Recovery

After a stroke, many patients struggle with poor control and strength in the muscles on one side of the body. While the focus of recovery is often on the limbs and facial muscles, without a strong core, extremities and the rest of the body may suffer. With the help of these core exercises for stroke recovery, you can continue to make recovery progress at home on your own. Beth Thornton and Kathryn Smith, physiotherapists at Physio At Home, promote the importance of core strength in stroke recovery. When the core is strong, the rest of the body benefits. Not to mention, a...

“Thank you for your commitment to our son’s treatment and recovery”

I just wanted to tell you and Saebo how much we appreciate your generous support of our son – Gabriel’s treatment and recovery. I must admit, when you called I was waiting for the “catch” after you said you would be providing the SaeboGlove to our family. When we realized there was no catch, we were shocked. We are truly humbled by your willingness to support someone you do not even know. Like Gabriel, I was a police officer; I retired after 30 years to assist Gabriel with his recovery. I am constantly looking into new and innovative therapies to assist with Gabriel’s...

“During my trial with the SaeboGlove, I regained movement in my right hand – a life altering experience.”

I am Kevin Breveleri, and I am 34 years old. I was born with a rare heart defect called L Transposition of the Great Anterior Vessels. Because of this, I have had 3 mitral valve replacements in addition to 8 pacemaker surgeries. I had a stroke when I was 21 years old due to complications from my heart condition which caused a blood clot to go to my head. After my stroke, I couldn’t walk, talk, or use my right hand. Since then, I have regained the ability to walk, speak, and move my right shoulder and elbow to some extent. However,...