Product Support

FitMi Software Download Links:

MusicGlove Software Download Links:
If you purchased FitMi for PC/Mac, please use the links above to download your software. Then, follow along to this video to continue setting up your device:
FitMi for PC/Mac:
If you’re still having trouble, please give us a call at 1-800-593-5468 and we will be happy to walk you through it.
Please watch this video to learn how to set up FitMi with Tablet:
If you’re still having trouble, please give us a call at 1-800-593-5468 and we will be happy to walk you through it.
To re-pair your pucks, place the pucks and the purple receiver into the charging dock and locate a small black button where the power cable plugs into.
Please press this button to pair the pucks to the receiver. You should see the purple receiver’s blue light flash for about a second after you press this button.
When one puck seems to stop working, it often simply needs to be re-synced.
To re-sync your pucks, insert both pucks into the charging dock and make sure both lights are glowing.
Then, press the syncing button on the charging doc to sync the pucks to the Receiver.
Watch the video above for detailed instruction.
Try to re-insert the FitMi receiver into the adapter.
Watch the video above for detailed instruction.
This is a known issue that does not affect your device.
During charging, the light on the Pucks will only turn green when it detects that the battery has been charged to exactly 100%. In some cases, it can take a long time to go from 99% to exactly 100%, but the battery life outside of the charger will still be the same.
If your Pucks have been in the Charging Dock for at least 3 hours, they will be fully charged, even if the indicator light does not turn green.

This small silver piece is an Adapter for the Flint Tablet that connects the FitMi Receiver (the Purple USB Dongle) to the Tablet.
Simply plug the FitMi Receiver into the Adapter and then plug the Adapter into the Tablet.
This is a known issue that affects a small percentage of our Installer drives.
If you experience this problem, simply give us a call or send us a message, and we will send you a link to instantly download the installer you need.
This is a known issue with some PCs that has been fixed in the latest version of our software.
If you experience this issue, simply call us or message us and we will send you a link to instantly download the latest version.
This is most likely an issue with your computer’s resolution.
Adjust your screen resolution to 1920×1080 and try again. Note, some computers require administrative privileges to change the resolution.
If you purchased MusicGlove for PC/Mac, please use the links above to download your software. Then, follow along to this video to continue setting up your device:
MusicGlove for PC/Mac:
If you’re still having trouble, please give us a call at 1-800-593-5468 and we will be happy to walk you through it.
Please watch this video to learn how to set up MusicGlove with Tablet:
If you’re still having trouble, please give us a call at 1-800-593-5468 and we will be happy to walk you through it.
To re-pair your pucks, place the pucks and the purple receiver into the charging dock and locate a small black button where the power cable plugs into.
Please press this button to pair the pucks to the receiver. You should see the purple receiver’s blue light flash for about a second after you press this button.
If MusicGlove is not responding, then check to see if the cable is faulty.
To check this, simply plug your MusicGlove directly into your computer and test to see if it works. It is easier to do this if you take MusicGlove off, first.
If the MusicGlove works when it is plugged directly into your computer, then the cable is bad. Please contact us we can send you a replacement free of charge.
If you have plugged MusicGlove directly into your computer (without the white cable), and the device still does not respond, then the MusicGlove might be defective. All MusicGloves are covered by a 1-year warranty. If it has been less than 1 year since you purchased the device, please call us and we will be happy to send you out a new MusicGlove free of charge.
If MusicGlove freezes on the pause screen, then this could be caused by a faulty cable.
Try plugging your MusicGlove directly into your computer and test to see if you can get passed the pause screen.
If you can get passed the paused screen like this, then the problem is likely caused by a faulty cable. Please contact us and we will be happy to send you a new cable free of charge.