Henry Hoffman Q&A Video Series: Why SaeboStim Micro?

Are you stimulating the affected side enough? Saebo Co-Founder Henry Hoffman discusses the importance of SES and an effective home rehabilitation program in his latest Q&A video. Acute patients with hemiparesis only USE THEIR AFFECTED UPPER LIMB an average of 3.3 HOURS PER DAY. Lang, C. J of Neurol Phs Ther, 2007. Acute patients less than 14 days following stroke USED THEIR AFFECTED LIMB ONLY 38 MIN. (7%) OF A 9-HOUR DAY. Bernhardt, J. J Rehabil Med, 2007. During sub-acute rehab, stroke survivors completed activity-related arm training for an AVERAGE OF 4 MINUTES PER SESSION during therapy. Hayward, KS & Brauer, SG. Clinical Rehabil, 2015 Research shows that stroke survivors perform very few ARM MOVEMENTS during therapy ranging from 23...

Foot Drop Recovery: Understanding All Of Your Options

Throughout the process of rehabilitation, the effects of a stroke or debilitating injuries on the body become clearer over time. Whether you’re a survivor yourself, a caregiver, or a family member attempting to help, it is important to be aware of the options out there. Decreased mobility can be especially trying for anyone already dealing with the effects of cerebral injuries, spinal damage, stroke, or other conditions that can lead to drop foot, commonly referred to as foot drop. Understanding your drop foot recovery options is essential for finding the most effective solution. Challenges such as gait change, a modification in the...

Guide To Recovering Hand Function After A Stroke

Stroke rehabilitation is often a slow, gradual journey, and it is not uncommon to feel that a physically, mentally, and financially challenging road lies ahead. But with ever-expanding modern therapies to recover hand function, there are many ways to approach the rehabilitation process without extravagant costs or discomfort. Recuperation from the effects of stroke should be taken one day and one issue at a time, each increment of progress building into the next. Small repetitive actions are easier to take on in the months just after a stroke, when balance and strength have yet to be restored and the rate at...

Step By Step Guide To Walking Again After Stroke

Regaining mobility after a stroke is often one of the largest and most critical challenges during rehabilitation. The independence to walk on your own not only leads to a higher quality of life, but also increases the body’s chances for a greater range of recuperation. Hemiplegia—the weakening or paralysis of one side of the body—as well as other common neurological disruptions that occur following a stroke such as, loss of balance, weakened muscles, impaired spatial awareness, and poor overall physical coordination can make recovery very challenging. Because of this, many survivors require the assistance of a loved one, caretaker, or proper...

The First 24 Hrs After Stroke, What To Do

Considering that strokes rank as one of the top three causes of death in the United States, any signs or symptoms should be taken seriously and cared for immediately. Just as if someone were suffering from a heart-attack, seeking medical attention right away for a stroke is paramount; however, when dealing with a stroke, the signs may not be so easy to recognize, which means that finding help may not be a first reaction. When dealing with a stroke, the warning signs can be subtle. Since a stroke consists of a sudden loss of oxygen to the brain, there is not a strong presence...