The Best Hand Exercise Equipment for Stroke Patients

Hand therapy balls offer a simple way to exercise your hands, especially if you have severe spasticity and clenched hands.
Therapy balls come with different softness/hardness so that you can find a challenge that’s good for you.
If you get them, we have some hand therapy ball exercises on the blog that you can try.
Shop hand exercise balls on Amazon »
2. Therapy Putty – Most Affordable

Therapy putty is a popular, inexpensive hand therapy tool with physical and occupational therapists.
When choosing your therapy putty, look for the kind that comes in different resistances. As your hand strength improves, you can use tougher putty to keep improving.
Shop therapy putty on Amazon »
3. Finger Exercisers – Good for Strengthening

Hand strengtheners are great for both retraining your brain and strengthening your muscles.
While the primary goal of stroke rehabilitation is to rewire the brain with repetitive exercise, it’s also important to work on rebuilding strength.
Both the therapy balls and therapy putty help strengthen your hand too, but the exerciser adds even more challenge.
Shop hand exercisers on Amazon »
4. Tabletop Mirror Therapy – Good for Paralysis Recovery

Mirror therapy is a rehabilitation technique that can help improve hand paralysis after stroke.
Ask your therapist if you can do some mirror therapy together so that you understand how it works. Then, replicate the therapy on your own at home with your own mirror therapy set.
Shop mirror therapy sets on Amazon »
5. PVC Pipe Tree – Good for Physical Therapy

Occupational therapists often use PVC pipe trees in the clinic to help patients improve hand function.
Pipe trees made the list of the best hand exercise equipment because it allows you to practice their fine and complex motor skills.
It requires grasp and release movements along with hand and arm coordination.
6. MusicGlove – Good for Fast Results

MusicGlove is a premium music- and gaming-based hand therapy device made by Flint Rehab. It’s clinically proven to improve hand function in 2 weeks.
The high-tech hand exercise equipment encourages you to accomplish high repetitions of therapeutic hand exercises.
Unlike other hand exercise equipment, MusicGlove is something that you’ll want to use daily because it’s fun to use.
Shop MusicGlove from Flint Rehab »
7. FitMi Home Therapy – Good for Paralysis Recovery

FitMi is another high-tech exercise tool from Flint Rehab that motivates you to exercise the full-body, including the hands.
FitMi is suitable for all impairment levels, even if you have no movement in your hand. You just need to start with passive exercises by assisting your affected hand with your non-affected hand.
Bob and Brad, “the most famous physical therapists on the internet,” reviewed FitMi (without being paid to do so) and gave it a thumbs up!
Choosing Your Hand Therapy Tool for Recovery
As you mull over your options, remember to keep this advice from our physical therapists in mind:
Choose something that you can see yourself using daily, and want to use daily.
Whether you start with simple hand exercise equipment or invest in high-tech tools, we hope that your hand function improves with this equipment.

Do you have this 25 page PDF of beautifully illustrated hand therapy exercises? You don’t want to miss this!
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