In Kolding municipality, they had an idea four years ago. The idea was to let families borrow Happy Rehabs systems in periods of time, when they need extra intensive training. It’s a solution, that give more time and freedom in the everyday life, while you still get effective training.
Why not let the families borrow the Happy Rehabs systems? That was the question, that the physiotherapists in Kolding municipality asked themselves, when more families asked for a more flexible and effective training. The result is the borrowing-system they have today, where families borrow a Happy Rehab system, if therapists estimates, that it suits the family’s needs.“We see the best effect, when the user trains daily. That’s why it makes good sense to let them borrow the systems and use them at home every day,” says physiotherapist in Kolding municipality, Betina Glibstrup.

Of course, Happy Rehab can’t replace a therapist or others forms of training. I Kolding they see the systems as a good supplement to other forms of training, that for instance is made with a physiotherapist. It makes for great variety and the possibility to train in a different way that you are used to.
Even though the families have the Happy Rehab systems at home, it doesn’t mean, that the physiotherapist is not involved in the training.
“It minimizes the contact with the therapist, when families have the system at home, but we follow the kids on the side-line, and by the help of the computer-system we can see how they develop in their training. We get another role a therapist, but we are still important,” says Betina Glibstrup.
Furthermore, the therapists will make sure, that the systems are adjusted correctly. They follow the families in the periods, where they borrow the systems, so that the children can get the most out of the training.
Betina Glibstrup tells, that the typical borrower of Happy Rehab are children with cerebral palsy. Often, they borrow the system, when they need extra intensive training. It can be as a part of the rehabilitation after an operation or it can be when they have had botox, which demands extra training in the effect-period. With a Happy Rehab system at home, the families can get going with the training and do it whenever they want. It gives a lot of flexibility, which can result in more training for the children.

Betina Glibstrup also says, that it is an advantage, that children do not have to go to their physiotherapist every day.
“That way they won’t get tired of the therapists already before they have turned 10. And they do not have to leave school in the middle of the day to go to their physiotherapist. More children have said, that it does not feel like training to use Happy Rehab,” says Betina Glibstrup.

The borrowing-system have been up and running in several years now, and Kolding municipality have had positive reactions.
“In the beginning some families were sceptical. But the evaluations we have had from the families now have been positive. They have especially emphasised, that it is a relief, that they can fit their training into the family-life. And they have said, that the standing-systems are very easy to use,” says Betina Glibstrup.
The physiotherapists in Kolding make sure to make a thorough estimation of whether it makes sense to let a family borrow Happy Rehab.
“We have to make sure, that the parents as a minimum, but also the child, have understood, what it takes to train a home with Happy Rehab. They have to understand the importance of everyday training,” says Betina Glibstrup.
Betina Glibstrup experience, that Happy Rehab is the last push, that is needed to give the results, that one wish for.
“To me it is about quality. Some of the children could not have experienced the results they have, if they haven’t trained with Happy Rehab at home. And that is because it is tangible for them to train in the standing system every day. It is easier to relate to than the regular exercises they have to do at home,” says Betina Glibstrup.
She emphasises, that training with Happy Rehab can’t stand alone. It has to be combined with other forms of training, that is decided between the physiotherapist and the family.
“But I would not be without this solution with borrowing Happy Rehab out to our users. It is easy and concrete, which makes good results,” says Betina Glibstrup.